Provide a brief summary of your application. This section should introduce the reader to your project, explaining its intentions, objectives, and scope.
- Which category of integration is your project applying for:[Trading contracts, gToken vaults, both, or neither]
Trading contracts
- How many $ARB tokens are you applying for:[Specify the amount of tokens requested, max 20k per applicant]
20,000 ARB
- Please provide a description of your project:[Enter a description of your project (2-5 sentences)]
Mimik (previously Kunji Finance) is a managed vault and social trading platform, where users can deposit funds into vaults run by expert traders, mimicking their moves on-chain. Vault managers can create their portfolios across multiple perp and spot dexes on Mimik, and then the depositors’ funds replicate those same moves at the same time. The protocol takes a modest fee, and allows managers to set their own performance fee to encourage competition and allow successful and confident traders to be rewarded appropriately.
- How will you integrate gTrade and what benefit does it bring to your users:[Enter a short description on your integration and the benefits it will bring for your users]
Mimik is a social trading platform integrated with DEXes and derivatives including Uniswap and GMXV2 to provide vault managers an access to both spot and derivative markets. We will integrate gTrade as one of the primary perpetual DEXes on our platform that will help traders (vault managers) on the platform diversify the vault assets and open up new opportunities for users depositing in vaults with multiple strategies including hedge against risk, and access to new markets.
- What are your plans for the requested grant and how does it bolster the gTrade integration:[Provide a short plan on how the grant will be spent, as well as how it will effect the integration]
We will utilise the grant amount for the integration of gTrade (trading contracts) to our platform.
Enhanced gTrade Integration: The grant will be allocated to developers to build a robust and seamless gTrade integration within Mimik. This will ensure smooth execution of perpetual contracts directly from the platform, offering a user-friendly experience for vault managers.
Provide a timeline and set of milestones with expected ARB payout per:[Briefly describe the milestones, as well as the expected payout per ARB. NOTE: All milestones should be completed within the 10 week period.]
After grant approval: 10k ARB
After integration: 10k ARB
gTrade Integration Planning:
We project the integration will require approximately 300-400 hours of developer work. This includes planning, development, testing, and deployment phases. We do not anticipate needing an extra developer; our current team has the capacity and expertise to handle the integration. The main infrastructure costs will include additional server resources to handle the increased load from the gTrade integration and any necessary security audits to ensure the integration is secure.
Integration timeline:
Planning and Design (Weeks 1-2)
Finalize integration requirements and design architecture
Projected Hours: 40
Initial Development (Weeks 3-4)
Develop API connections and trading contract integration
Projected Hours: 80
Mid-Development (Weeks 5-6)
Implement front-end interface for gTrade functionalities
Projected Hours: 100
Testing Phase (Weeks 7-8)
Conduct internal testing and bug fixing
Projected Hours: 80
Final Development and Pre-Launch (Weeks 9-10)
Finalize all components and prepare for live deployment
Projected Hours: 60
Launch and Post-Launch Monitoring (Week 11)
Deploy integration and monitor for any issues
Projected Hours: 40
Provide personal or organizational details, including the applicant’s name, contact information, and the name of any associated organization. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.
- Applicant Name or Alias:
Anurag Dixit
- Project Name:[Enter the name of your project]
Mimik Finance
- Project Description:[Enter a description of your project]
Mimik Finance is an omni-chain solution for social trading across EVM, BRC-20, and other chains that allows expert traders and vault users to collaborate seamlessly. Vault managers can create their portfolios across multiple perp and spot dexes on Mimik, and then the depositors’ funds replicate those same moves at the same time.
- Team Members and Qualifications:[Provide a list of team members and their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities]
Anurag Dixit: CEO & Co-founder (
Vivekanand Pandey: COO & Co-founder (
Harivadan Pandya: CFO & Co-founder (
Dmitriy Chizhevskiy: CTO (
Sangam Bharti: Chief of Staff (
Anurag Agrawal: Communication (Anurag Agrawal - Kunji | LinkedIn)
Santo Sinar Pandean: Blockchain Engineer (
Le Viet Hung: Frontend Engineer
- Project Links:[Any relevant links (such as website, demo, Github, Twitter, etc.)]
Discord: Discord
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @mimikfinance
Docs: Mimik Finance | Mimik Finance
- Contact Information:
- Telegram: Telegram: Contact @anuragdixit
- Twitter:
- Email:
- Are you currently a grant recipient in other $ARB incentive programs? (eg. STIP.B, LTIPP, an Abritrum Incubator program or else: [Please provide information on your current participation in Arbitrum incentive programs]
Yes, we received a grant from the Arbitrum Foundation.
Outline the requested grant amount, and provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if applicable. ****
- Funding Address:[Enter the specific address where grant funds will be sent]
- Funding Address Details:[Describe the status of the address; eligible addresses must be a 2/3 multisig with securely stored private keys]
â…” multisig
- Other Contract Addresses: (optional)[Enter any other relevant contract addresses that will be used in your program (e.g., pool addresses, contracts, distribution of funds, etc.)]
Please describe how your team will be able to provide data & reporting on the grant distribution.
- Is your team prepared to provide Dune graphs and/or Dashboards for your incentive program?:[Yes/No]
- How does your team plan on posting bi-weekly program updates on the Gains Network forum? [Please describe your plans and capabilites to report on your progress]
We will create a Dune dashboard to track trades, trading volume, vaults interacted and other metrics to track the activity after the gTrade integration to the platform.