Provide a brief summary of your application. This section should introduce the reader to your project, explaining its intentions, objectives, and scope.
- Which category of integration is your project applying for:[Trading contracts, gToken vaults, both, or neither]
We want to integrate with Gtrade data across trading contracts, vaults and user data.
- How many $ARB tokens are you applying for:[Specify the amount of tokens requested, max 20k per applicant]
20,000 ARB
- Please provide a description of your project:[Enter a description of your project (2-5 sentences)]
Please see video demo (Data shown on Demo is mock data for demo purposes): DexPal Prototype Demo | Loom
DexPal is the ultimate trading dashboard and analytics tool for trading perpetual contracts on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Our platform provides a seamless experience for both seasoned and novice traders in DeFi, allowing them to easily navigate, compare DEXs, and aggregate their trading data across multiple exchanges and networks into a single dashboard.
We wish to integrate the data from Gtrade into our one of a kind dashboard and throw an exclusive trading competition for Gains users to benefit the current community and attract new traders to try out Gains.
- How will you integrate gTrade and what benefit does it bring to your users:[Enter a short description on your integration and the benefits it will bring for your users]
Gains is one of the most popular and widely used perps DEXs offering a large variety of pairs, high leverage and fast execution times. We would love to have Gains Network among the first DEXs to be integrated for our launch on Arbitrum alongside other major DEXs.
- What are your plans for the requested grant and how does it bolster the gTrade integration:[Provide a short plan on how the grant will be spent, as well as how it will effect the integration]
10,000 ARB of the grant will be used to cover our infrastructure, maintenance and engineering costs of integrating G trade data into our dashboard (Front end and back end work + our AI tool trained on Gtrade docs & data).
10,000 ARB will be used for a trading competition for any wallet that trades on Gtrade using our referral code. (This will be our first exclusive trading competition)
The rules for the trading competition as well as measures to limit Cybil attacks are to be discussed and finalized with the Gains Network team as we approach our launch. We anticipate launching this trading competition for our official launch expected later in Q3. We will also highlight this giveaway on our dashboard and social media and do cross marketing efforts with Gains Network to increase visibility.
- Provide a timeline and set of milestones with expected ARB payout per:[Briefly describe the milestones, as well as the expected payout per ARB. NOTE: All milestones should be completed within the 10 week period.]
Milestone 1: Development, Infrastructure and implementation costs. (8 Weeks)
10,000 ARB: 50% upfront, 50% after front end & back end integration completed.
-Completion of Integration with G trade data (Back end): 50% of costs
This would consist of meeting with the G trade team and exploring the most efficient paths to pull the necessary data for our dashboard. We typically use existing APIs or build custom APIs, Subgraphs and Substreams to pull the data from a DEX. That data will then be standardized across the other DEXs we support.
-Completion of V1 features (front end): 30% of costs.
Adding multiple Wallets, Trade history & PNL aggregation, viewing open positions and limit orders, Floating P&L, Trade analytics, DEX profile and data pages, competition and news page, pair screener and compare, earn and LP opportunities page, DexPal AI Chat bot).
-Implementation & Infrastructure costs: 20% of costs.
Costs associated with the coordination and outreach with G trade as well as our infrastructure and maintenance costs over the first year.
Milestone 2: Trading competition. (after official launch expected in August)
10,000 ARB: Paid to winners of the trading competition.
-Trading competition for DexPal referral link users: 100% of costs.
After the back end & front end are ready we will set up an official launch date where we will launch this exclusive trading competition for any wallet that uses our referral code.We will report the winner to Gains for the winner to receive their prize.
Provide personal or organizational details, including the applicant’s name, contact information, and the name of any associated organization. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.
- Applicant Name or Alias:[Enter your name or alias]
- Project Name:[Enter the name of your project]
- Project Description:[Enter a description of your project]
DexPal is the ultimate trading dashboard and analytics tool for trading perpetual contracts on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Our platform provides a seamless experience for both seasoned and novice traders in DeFi, allowing them to easily navigate, compare DEXs, and aggregate their trading data across multiple exchanges and networks into a single dashboard.
DexPal users also benefit from a variety of useful analytical tools and will also benefit from exclusive trading incentives and competitions through our partnerships, and a host of other useful tools we offer to enhance their trading experience.
Our dashboard also comes with an AI chatbot trained on the documentation and on-chain data of perpetual DEXs, enabling users to ask general and technical questions about the exchange’s mechanics.
- Team Members and Qualifications:[Provide a list of team members and their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities]
DexPal is built in partnership with Playground analytics, our combined team is composed of leading blockchain data and indexing specialists and full stack software development experts.
Core Team:
Hamed Jahazi: Founder and BD Lead.
Thierry Bleau: Data Scientist and project manager.
Christoph Vauclair: Lead engineer and senior data scientist.
Mathieu Belanger: Back end software developer and data scientist
Daniil Karpov: Full Stack Developer
Eric Moran: Full Stack Developer
Danya Kuznietsov : Front End & UI
Technical Advisors:
Jephthah Akene: CEO of playground analytics
Relevant blockchain data & indexing experience:
Subgrounds: Built open-source Python library for interfacing with indexed on-chain data and GraphQL. Total downloads: 365,946
Bitcoin indexing solution on The Graph:
Subgraph: h ttps://
Substreams: h ttps://
Graph Grant: h ttps://
- Project Links:[Any relevant links (such as website, demo, Github, Twitter, etc.)]
Twitter: dexpalai
Contact Information:
- Telegram: Thehumbledegen
- Twitter: Thehumbledegen
- Email:
Are you currently a grant recipient in other $ARB incentive programs? (eg. STIP.B, LTIPP, an Abritrum Incubator program or else:[Please provide information on your current participation in Arbitrum incentive programs]
Outline the requested grant amount, and provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if applicable. ****
- Funding Address:[Enter the specific address where grant funds will be sent]
- Funding Address Details:[Describe the status of the address; eligible addresses must be a 2/3 multisig with securely stored private keys]
This is a regular wallet address, due to time constraint a multisig has not been setup yet but will be done and double checked by the gains team before distribution
- Other Contract Addresses: (optional)[Enter any other relevant contract addresses that will be used in your program (e.g., pool addresses, contracts, distribution of funds, etc.)]
Please describe how your team will be able to provide data & reporting on the grant distribution.
- Is your team prepared to provide Dune graphs and/or Dashboards for your incentive program?:[Yes/No]
Yes we will keep track of the leaderboard of winners and share that with the team.
- How does your team plan on posting bi-weekly program updates on the Gains Network forum? [Please describe your plans and capabilities to report on your progress]
We internally hold Bi-weekly update meetings on the status of development. So I will share these development updates on the forum.