[DexPal] GCGP - Bridge Grant Bi-weekly Report - Week 4

  1. Executive Summary
  • The team has been focusing on finishing front end features and in parallel finalizing a lot of the back end connections to DEX APIs and additional indexing sources to supplement some missing data.

Due to some unforeseen delays we may have to launch the trading competition later in Q4 a solution is directly being discussed with the Gains team.

  1. Grant Objectives & Goals
  • Our goals are to finish the front end functionalities of the terminal and finish integrating with Gains APIs as well as doing extensive QA.
  1. Strategies
  • Finalizing the hiring and onboarding of a new developer to help with back end connections.
  1. Challenges
  • We ran into some bugs and had to rework some of our data models when aggregating data from multiple DEXs. (This problem is same as last week and being finalized)
  • Due to some unforeseen delays we may have to launch the trading competition later in Q4 a solution is directly being discussed with the Gains team.
  1. Impact
  • Finalizing hiring of additional resources, finalizing integrating data from remaining DEXs.