[Copin.io] GCGP-Bridge Grant Bi-weekly Report - Week 6

1. Executive Summary

After completing internal testing, DCP was officially released on 08/12 as scheduled. Copin also received 10K $ARB in advance to prepare for the release activities as planned. The entire grant will be fully utilized for rebate fee activities and the copy trading competition. Currently, the funds are being used for the rebate fee. As of this report, DCP has already shown real-world performance metrics.

Master Plan:

Dune Dashboard: https://dune.com/copin/copin-dcp-gtrade

Rebate Fee Program: Earn 10,000 ARB in Fee Rebates with Copin's Decentralized Copy-Trading | Copin Analyzer

Copy-Trading Competition: Join the 10,000 $ARB Decentralized Copy-Trading Competition through gTrade

2. Grant Objectives & Goals

  • The goal is to target the number of smart-wallets created, and the volume created through gTrade.

  • Increase impressions of Copin DCP through gTrade by leveraging marketing efforts and connections with key influencers and communities.

3. Challenges

  • There are some challenges related to marketing and accessing this feature for users interested in copy-trading through gTrade.

4. Impact

  • Copin DCP on gTrade generated $2,138,600 in volume.

  • Contributed $762 in fees from 1,601 copy trade orders.

  • Welcomed 22 new AA wallet addresses.

  • Rebate fees have been distributed, totaling 1,197.89 $ARB to users of Copin’s Decentralized Copy-trading. DCPGainsRebate | Address 0x36c9b37367918AdE91b04000C9E110F42557e602 | Arbitrum One

  • Copy-Trading Competition:

    • 30 wallet addresses participated.

    • Achieved $1.96M in copy trade volume.

    • Unlocked the $1M copy trade volume reward, with 1K $ARB estimated to be distributed to users.